

  • Author: Superhuman AI
  • Full Title: A Humanoid Robots Gets Behind the Wheel 🚕


  • AI coaches modeled after real-life career experts that can give you personalized feedback (View Highlight)
  • AI-generated cover letters and resumes that can be fine-tuned to specific jobs (View Highlight)
  • Improved search results that make it easier for you to find a particular colleague or company (View Highlight)
  • But how much help is too much? You can now ostensibly write your entire resume and cover letter with LinkedIn’s tools. Some HR departments fear they’ll now need to dig through piles of AI-generated applications just to find a qualified candidate. On the other hand, recruiters are already using AI to screen applicants and conduct virtual interviews. That’s left candidates wondering: Why can’t we beef up our resumes or hone our elevator pitches with the help of AI, too? (View Highlight)
  • Striking a balance: At this point, a resume or cover letter created entirely with AI probably isn’t enough to land you a job. But AI can help you describe your skills in new ways; catch grammatical mistakes you might have otherwise missed; and give you tips about what’s professional and what’s off-limits during interviews. Those are things that many job-seekers — especially those who can’t afford pricey career coaches — couldn’t access until now. (View Highlight)
  • 😄 One Fun Thing: A jury awarded photographer Miles Astray a bronze medal in the AI-image category of the prestigious 1839 Awards this week. The only problem: Astray’s photo, an optical illusion of a flamingo that appears to have no head, was actually real. He said he was trying to prove that Mother Nature still reigns supreme, but the judges rescinded the award once they realized what had happened. (View Highlight)