


  • Photographers are furious, accusing Meta of mistakenly labeling their legitimate work with a “Made with AI” label across Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. (View Highlight)
  • As TechCrunch reports, the social media giant’s efforts to tamp down on the proliferation of unlabeled, AI-generated images are having plenty of undesirable consequences. (View Highlight)
  • The false positives also highlight just how difficult it has become even for a top tech company to tell what’s real and what isn’t. Even OpenAI has struggled greatly to develop an effective detection tool that can distinguish between AI-generated and human-authored text. (View Highlight)
  • “As the difference between human and synthetic content gets blurred, people want to know where the boundary lies,” the company’s president of global affairs Nick Clegg wrote in a blog post at the time. “People are often coming across AI-generated content for the first time and our users have told us they appreciate transparency around this new technology.” (View Highlight)
  • “My first brush with the dreaded ‘made with AI’ tag,” one film photographer wrote in a Threads post. “Not a single bit of generative fill used anywhere on any of these (because I f**king hate AI) so that’s a tad concerning.” (View Highlight)