


  • Gradio’s Image Component Use the image component if you need to upload or display image data. Image Input Component: • Users can upload an image from a file, webcam, or clipboard. • The uploaded image data is passed to the linked Gradio interface/blocks function as the datatype numpy.array, PIL.Image or str file path depending on components type= parameter. Image Output Component: • Displays an image to the user. • Displayed image data should be returned by the Gradio interface/blocks function as the datatype numpy.array, PIL.Image or str or pathlib.Path file path to an image. String Shortcut: “image” (View Highlight)
  • How To Use: The Gradio Image Component As An Input Component Task: Allow users to upload an image from a file, webcam, or clipboard. Datatype passed to Python function: numpy.array, PIL.Image or str file path. • The datatype used by the Image component can be controlled using the type= parameter. Image adapted from It’s important to remember that the default datatype used by the Gradio image component is numpy.array. This means that if you don’t set the datatype using the type=parameter, Gradio will automatically pass your image data to the function as *numpy.array.* (View Highlight)
  • type=”pil” *PIL.Image* “”pil” converts the image to a PIL image object” import gradio as gr def show_image(img): print(type(img)) return img app = gr.Interface( fn=show_image, inputs=gr.Image(label=“Input Image Component”, type=“pil”), # Set image componet’s type= parameter to “pil” PIL.Image outputs=gr.Image(label=“Output Image Component”), ) app.launch() Image of print() result in Python Console In the above code snippet, the image input component’s type=parameter is set as “pil”. In this case, the image input component will always pass the image data to the Python function as a PIL.Image object. (View Highlight)
  • type=”str” str ““filepath” passes a str path to a temporary file containing the image.” import gradio as gr def show_image(img): print(type(img)) print(img) return img app = gr.Interface( fn=show_image, inputs=gr.Image(label=“Input Image Component”, type=“filepath”), # Set image componet’s type= parameter to “filepath” str outputs=gr.Image(label=“Output Image Component”), ) app.launch() (View Highlight)