


  • One of the ways it has been valuable for me is how it transforms confined spaces like airplanes, small Airbnbs, and hotel rooms into massive spaces. It allows me to set up my laptop and project large displays around me. Not just from my laptop, but from the apps you have access to. I have Apple Music, ChatGPT-4 (which I talk to through the Vision Pro environment using the dictation mic), my monitor, and other random things open simultaneously. For work-related matters, those are the three things I use. Once I immerse myself in a virtual environment, which I’ll explain below, it’s like I’ve got blinders on. Like a horse wearing blinders, I disappear into a sensory deprivation chamber where only my piano music is playing, the screen is displaying everything, and I am in the zone. I haven’t been this productive in a long time. This is partly because I gave myself permission to focus on just a few things this summer, mainly writing, and partly because of the productivity enhancements this device provides. (View Highlight)