

  • Author: SVPG
  • Full Title: SVPG Newsletter: Good Product People


  • Recently Shreyas Doshi published a reminder that the vast majority of the best product people are not likely to be spending their time on social media. His point is that the best product people are busy practicing the craft of product, and not trying to attract followers. (View Highlight)
  • So many aspiring product people look to social media for guidance, and while there is certainly some real value in certain corners, it is increasingly like finding the needle in the haystack. In fact, to be brutally honest, I consider it an overall terrible source for good product education. (View Highlight)
  • Many of the best product people are not actually product people. (View Highlight)
  • I’ve never believed that you must be a product manager or a product leader in order to excel at, or even lead, product. In fact, recently I wrote about the alternatives to product managers. (View Highlight)
  • I define a strong product person as someone that is obsessed with solving tough problems in ways that are loved by their users and customers, yet can sustain a business, and are just now possible. (View Highlight)
  • Many people gravitate towards engineering because they see technology as the means to enable them to solve these tough problems. But the best engineers don’t constrain their thinking to just feasibility and the enabling technology. They care deeply about value, viability and usability as well, and spend real time and effort educating themselves about these factors. (View Highlight)