


  • POSSE, short for “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere”, as a term of use is now 11 years old³, which is surprising since when it was conceived, theIndieWeb community was in a period of very rapid innovation & iteration. POSSE itself replaced a previous term, “POSE”, short for “Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere”, which had only been around a year or two at most (I’m still looking for the first use of the “POSE” abbreviation for that meaning). (View Highlight)
  • Since “publish once” was vague enough to include practices of publishing once on a social media silo, or in someone else’s garage, we needed to clearly express the requirement to use your own site instead, first, as the source of your truth. Cross-posting to other sites & channels, is a second, optional step, ideally with a permalink linking back to your original post so viewers can easily discover and use your site. (View Highlight)
  • That distinction was enough for POSSE to express a strong creator-owned-first publishing model that resonated and grew. Every time a silo shutdown at the end of its incredible journey, removing posts & permalinks from the web, POSSE was there for people who were tired of losing their data, permalinks, & profiles, and wanted an alternative. (View Highlight)