


  • There is an inverse correlation between how likely something is to occur and how much attention it gets – a phenomenon a friend has dubbed the DelPrete Probability Paradox. (View Highlight)
  • Why it matters: This leads to attention being focused on the highly exciting, yet least likely scenarios, which dilutes focus and clarity while creating noise and distraction. (View Highlight)
  • Real estate is rife with possibility – news headlines and conference agendas are packed with topics that exist in the realm of the possible and plausible, but not necessarily probable. • Will AI replace agents? What will happen to interest rates? How will the commission lawsuits change the industry? • The reality is that no one knows, and the most probable outcomes are slow, incremental deviations from the current state, not radical changes. (View Highlight)
  • Probability revolves around the existence of data, facts, and evidence – the more we know, the more certain the predictions. • The least likely events – the possible – generally exist in a reality light on facts and flush with speculation. • Facts are important; they form a trajectory of likeliness – plotting them over time and triangulating data points can identify likely outcomes. (View Highlight)
  • Inertia rules: Newton’s First Law states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force – in other words, systems tend to remain constant. • Consider the percentage of homeowners that use a real estate agent to sell their home: even after the introduction of Zillow, Opendoor, and billions of dollars in venture capital pushing alternative models, it remains at a 40 year high. (View Highlight)