


  • We are super excited to officially announce that Hugging Face acquired XetHub 🔥 XetHub is a Seattle-based company founded by Yucheng Low, Ajit Banerjee, Rajat Arya who previously worked at Apple where they built and scaled Apple’s internal ML infrastructure. XetHub’s mission is to enable software engineering best practices for AI development. XetHub has developed technologies to enable Git to scale to TB repositories and enable teams to explore, understand and work together on large evolving datasets and models. (View Highlight)
  • Let’s say you have a 10GB Parquet file. You add a single row. Today you need to re-upload 10GB. With the chunked files and deduplication from XetHub, you will only need to re-upload the few chunks containing the new row. (View Highlight)
  • Finally, with large datasets and large models come challenges with collaboration. How do teams work together on large data, models and code? How do users understand how their data and models are evolving? We will be working to find better solutions to answer these questions. (View Highlight)
  • XetHub’s goal is to enable ML teams to operate like software teams, by scaling Git file storage to TBs, seamlessly enabling experimentation and reproducibility, and providing the visualization capabilities to understand how datasets and models evolve. (View Highlight)