Directly Responsible Individuals




  • Fostering a culture of accountability within the team (people do what they say they will do) is key for effective product management over the long haul. (View Highlight)
  • When I’m the DRI on a task, it can sometimes come with a bit of apprehension (Gulp, not 100% sure how I’m going to do that . . .but ok I’ll figure it out), or maybe with a bit of grumbling (oh man, I guess I gotta do that too), but being the DRI always comes with a sense of responsibility to the team. (View Highlight)
  • When sending email, we are more deliberate with the use of To: vs. CC: fields. The DRI(s) are in the To: list. Everyone else is CC’d. (View Highlight)
  • am I understood by the team to be the DRI on this and should therefore take ownership of reply or resolution?” as opposed to thinking “someone else will probably handle this.” (View Highlight)
  • When working on a new or particularly complex problem where the DRI is not yet known, we seek to establish the DRI early in the discussion. (View Highlight)
  • When we gather in meetings, we always leave with action items or next steps. (View Highlight)