


  • LangChain v0.2 is available to all users today (learn more on the motivation and details here). A major highlight of this launch is our documentation refresh. We wanted to spend some time talking about what the documentation refresh involves and thank community members for the push. (View Highlight)
  • You spoke, and we listened. Having heard consistent feedback from the LangChain community and devs that our documentation needed work, we want to address some of the key issues raised and how we’ve tried to improve. We also want to thank several community members in particular for feedback and help. (View Highlight)
  • Constantly changing docs. Keeping up with changes can be painful — so we’ve introduced versioned docs. There’s now documentation tailored to every minor version. (View Highlight)
  • Difficult to find relevant information. Instead of a maze of pages, our new docs structure is incredibly flat. It’s organized into four sections (tutorials, how-to-guides, conceptual guides, and API reference) to make the search for info easier and more consistent. (View Highlight)
  • Outdated and duplicate content. We’ve cleaned house. Our docs structure now consolidates relevant information and cuts out the clutter of duplicate content. This smaller set of documentation will make it easier to avoid outdated information. (View Highlight)
  • Lack of clear instructions on how to update. To provide an evergreen set of instructions, we’ve created a “LangChain over time” doc to outline what has changed with the latest version of LangChain and how to migrate to it. (View Highlight)
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  • Our new “LangChain over time” section in the docs helps you stay on top of changes. There are guides on how LangChain has changed, how to upgrade, and how to map previous concepts from old versions to new ones. This has been a much-requested community feature - and we agree that it’s much needed! (View Highlight)