


  • During model development, one of the techniques that many don’t experiment with is feature discretization. (View Highlight)
  • As the name suggests, the idea behind discretization is to transform a continuous feature into discrete features. (View Highlight)
  • My rationale for using feature discretization has almost always been simple: “It just makes sense to discretize a feature.” (View Highlight)
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  • In many use cases, like understanding spending behavior based on transaction history, such continuous variables are better understood when they are discretized into meaningful groups → youngsters, adults, and seniors. (View Highlight)
  • This would result in some coefficients for each feature, which would tell us the influence of each feature on the final prediction. (View Highlight)
  • But if you think again, in our goal of understanding spending behavior, are we really interested in learning the correlation between exact age and spending behavior? (View Highlight)
  • Instead, it makes more sense to learn the correlation between different age groups and spending behavior. (View Highlight)
  • Now that we understand the rationale, there are 2 techniques that are widely preferred. (View Highlight)
  • One way of discretizing features involves decomposing a feature into equally sized bins. (View Highlight)
  • Another technique involves decomposing a feature into equal frequency bins: (View Highlight)
  • After that, the discrete values are one-hot encoded. (View Highlight)
  • One advantage of feature discretization is that it enables non-linear behavior even though the model is linear. (View Highlight)
  • This can potentially lead to better accuracy, which is also evident from the image below: (View Highlight)
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  • A linear model with feature discretization results in a: • non-linear decision boundary. • better test accuracy. So, in a way, we get to use a simple linear model but still get to learn non-linear patterns. (View Highlight)
  • Simply put, “signal” refers to the meaningful or valuable information in the data. (View Highlight)
  • Binnng a feature helps us mitigate the influence of minor fluctuations, which are often mere noise. (View Highlight)
  • Before I conclude, do remember that feature discretization with one-hot encoding increases the number of features → thereby increasing the data dimensionality. (View Highlight)
  • And typically, as we progress towards higher dimensions, data become more easily linearly separable. Thus, feature discretization can lead to overfitting. (View Highlight)
  • To avoid this, don’t overly discretize all features. (View Highlight)
  • Instead, use it when it makes intuitive sense, as we saw earlier. (View Highlight)
  • Of course, its utility can vastly vary from one application to another, but at times, I have found that: • Discretizing geospatial data like latitude and longitude can be useful. • Discretizing age/weight-related data can be useful. • Features that are typically constrained between a range makes sense, like savings/income (practically speaking), etc. (View Highlight)