


  • Welcome to Inspect, a framework for large language model evaluations created by the UK AI Safety Institute. (View Highlight)
  • Inspect provides many built-in components, including facilities for prompt engineering, tool usage, multi-turn dialog, and model graded evaluations. Extensions to Inspect (e.g. to support new elicitation and scoring techniques) can be provided by other Python packages. (View Highlight)
  • To develop and run evaluations, you’ll also need access to a model, which typically requires installation of a Python package as well as ensuring that the appropriate API key is available in the environment. (View Highlight)
  • In addition to the model providers shown above, Inspect also supports models hosted on Azure AI, AWS Bedrock, and Cloudflare. See the documentation on Models for additional details. (View Highlight)
  • Let’s take a look at a simple evaluation that aims to see how models perform on the Sally-Anne test, which assesses the ability of a person to infer false beliefs in others. Here are some samples from the dataset: (View Highlight)
  • Note that this is a purposely over-simplified example! The templates used for prompting, critique, and grading can all be customised, and in a more rigorous evaluation we’d explore improving them in the context of this specific dataset. (View Highlight)