MLE starts with a labeled dataset and aims to determine the parameters of the statistical model we are trying to fit. (View Highlight)
Start by assuming a data generation process. Simply put, this data generation process reflects our belief about the distribution of the output label (y), given the input (X). (View Highlight)
Next, we define the likelihood of observing the data. As each observation is independent, the likelihood of observing the entire data is the same as the product of observing individual observations: (View Highlight)
The likelihood function above depends on parameter values (θ). Our objective is to determine those specific parameter values that maximize the likelihood function. We do this as follows: (View Highlight)
EM is an iterative optimization technique to estimate the parameters of statistical models. It is particularly useful when we have an unobserved (or hidden) label. (View Highlight)
As depicted above, we assume that the data was generated from multiple distributions (a mixture). However, the observed/complete data does not contain that information. (View Highlight)
In other words, the observed dataset does not have information about whether a specific row was generated from distribution 1 or distribution 2. (View Highlight)
• Make a guess about the initial parameters (θ).
• Expectation (E) step: Compute the posterior probabilities of the unobserved label (let’s call it ‘z’) using the above parameters.
(View Highlight)
Given that we now have a proxy (not precise, though) for the true label, we can define an “expected likelihood” function. Thus, we use the above posterior probabilities to do so: (View Highlight)
Maximization (M) step: So now we have a likelihood function to work with. Maximizing it with respect to the parameters will give us a new estimate for the parameters (θ`). (View Highlight)
The point is that in expectation maximization, we repeatedly iterate between the E and the M steps until the parameters converge. (View Highlight)