


  • Successful people tend to be persistent. New ideas often don’t work at first, but they’re not deterred. They keep trying and eventually find something that does. (View Highlight)
  • Are persistent and obstinate people actually behaving differently? Or are they doing the same thing, and we just label them later as persistent or obstinate depending on whether they turned out to be right or not? (View Highlight)
  • If that’s the only difference then there’s nothing to be learned from the distinction. Telling someone to be persistent rather than obstinate would just be telling them to be right rather than wrong, and they already know that. Whereas if persistence and obstinacy are actually different kinds of behavior, it would be worthwhile to tease them apart. [1] (View Highlight)
  • There’s something annoying about the obstinate that’s not simply due to being mistaken. They won’t listen. And that’s not true of all determined people. I can’t think of anyone more determined than the Collison brothers, and when you point out a problem to them, they not only listen, but listen with an almost predatory intensity. Is there a hole in the bottom of their boat? Probably not, but if there is, they want to know about it. (View Highlight)
  • It’s the same with most successful people. They’re never more engaged than when you disagree with them. Whereas the obstinate don’t want to hear you. When you point out problems, their eyes glaze over, and their replies sound like ideologues talking about matters of doctrine. [2] (View Highlight)
  • The reason the persistent and the obstinate seem similar is that they’re both hard to stop. But they’re hard to stop in different senses. The persistent are like boats whose engines can’t be throttled back. The obstinate are like boats whose rudders can’t be turned. [3] (View Highlight)
  • In the degenerate case they’re indistinguishable: when there’s only one way to solve a problem, your only choice is whether to give up or not, and persistence and obstinacy both say no. This is presumably why the two are so often conflated in popular culture. It assumes simple problems. But as problems get more complicated, we can see the difference between them. The persistent are much more attached to points high in the decision tree than to minor ones lower down, while the obstinate spray “don’t give up” indiscriminately over the whole tree. (View Highlight)
  • The persistent are attached to the goal. The obstinate are attached to their ideas about how to reach it. (View Highlight)
  • Worse still, that means they’ll tend to be attached to their first ideas about how to solve a problem, even though these are the least informed by the experience of working on it. So the obstinate aren’t merely attached to details, but disproportionately likely to be attached to wrong ones. (View Highlight)
  • If being obstinate were simply a consequence of being in over one’s head, you could make persistent people become obstinate by making them solve harder problems. But that’s not what happens. If you handed the Collisons an extremely hard problem to solve, they wouldn’t become obstinate. If anything they’d become less obstinate. They’d know they had to be open to anything. (View Highlight)
  • Similarly, if obstinacy were caused by the situation, the obstinate would stop being obstinate when solving easier problems. But they don’t. And if obstinacy isn’t caused by the situation, it must come from within. It must be a feature of one’s personality. (View Highlight)
  • Obstinacy is a reflexive resistance to changing one’s ideas. This is not identical with stupidity, but they’re closely related. A reflexive resistance to changing one’s ideas becomes a sort of induced stupidity as contrary evidence mounts. And obstinacy is a form of not giving up that’s easily practiced by the stupid. You don’t have to consider complicated tradeoffs; you just dig in your heels. It even works, up to a point. (View Highlight)
  • The fact that obstinacy works for simple problems is an important clue. Persistence and obstinacy aren’t opposites. The relationship between them is more like the relationship between the two kinds of respiration we can do: aerobic respiration, and the anaerobic respiration we inherited from our most distant ancestors. Anaerobic respiration is a more primitive process, but it has its uses. When you leap suddenly away from a threat, that’s what you’re using. (View Highlight)
  • The optimal amount of obstinacy is not zero. It can be good if your initial reaction to a setback is an unthinking “I won’t give up,” because this helps prevent panic. But unthinking only gets you so far. The further someone is toward the obstinate end of the continuum, the less likely they are to succeed in solving hard problems. [4] (View Highlight)
  • One thing that distinguishes the persistent is their energy. At the risk of putting too much weight on words, they persist rather than merely resisting. They keep trying things. Which means the persistent must also be imaginative. To keep trying things, you have to keep thinking of things to try. (View Highlight)
  • Energy and imagination make a wonderful combination. Each gets the best out of the other. Energy creates demand for the ideas produced by imagination, which thus produces more, and imagination gives energy somewhere to go. [5] (View Highlight)
  • Merely having energy and imagination is quite rare. But to solve hard problems you need three more qualities: resilience, good judgement, and a focus on some kind of goal. (View Highlight)
  • Resilience means not having one’s morale destroyed by setbacks. Setbacks are inevitable once problems reach a certain size, so if you can’t bounce back from them, you can only do good work on a small scale. But resilience is not the same as obstinacy. Resilience means setbacks can’t change your morale, not that they can’t change your mind. (View Highlight)
  • There is one point at which the persistent are often irrational though: at the very top of the decision tree. When they choose between two problems of roughly equal expected value, the choice usually comes down to personal preference. Indeed, they’ll often classify projects into deliberately wide bands of expected value in order to ensure that the one they want to work on still qualifies. (View Highlight)
  • Empirically this doesn’t seem to be a problem. It’s ok to be irrational near the top of the decision tree. One reason is that we humans will work harder on a problem we love. But there’s another more subtle factor involved as well: our preferences among problems aren’t random. When we love a problem that other people don’t, it’s often because we’ve unconsciously noticed that it’s more important than they realize. (View Highlight)
  • So in practice your energy and imagination and resilience and good judgement have to be directed toward some fairly specific goal. Not too specific, or you might miss a great discovery adjacent to what you’re searching for, but not too general, or it won’t work to motivate you. [6] (View Highlight)
  • When you look at the internal structure of persistence, it doesn’t resemble obstinacy at all. It’s so much more complex. Five distinct qualities — energy, imagination, resilience, good judgement, and focus on a goal — combine to produce a phenomenon that seems a bit like obstinacy in the sense that it causes you not to give up. But the way you don’t give up is completely different. Instead of merely resisting change, you’re driven toward a goal by energy and resilience, through paths discovered by imagination and optimized by judgement. You’ll give way on any point low down in the decision tree, if its expected value drops sufficiently, but energy and resilience keep pushing you toward whatever you chose higher up. (View Highlight)